Survivor's Ink De-Branding Application

“We women and children shouldn’t have to bear this. We are not possessions or property, we are all children of God… I can’t believe it has finally gone. Now I am free.”
- Ruthie

Eligibility Requirements:

  • The branding/tattoo (mark of violence) must be associated with the trafficker or received during your time of exploitation.

  • You must be a survivor of human trafficking- meaning you were employed with the sex industry as a result of force, fraud, coercion for ultimate gain of another; Please click here for more information.

  • You must be involved in a recovery process, addiction treatment or safety program for at least SIX months but preferably ONE year AND provide a referral letter from that agency.

Interested in applying for a De-Branding?

Submit Your Information in the form Below! 2016 All rights reserved.