Become an Advocate for the
International Day for the Unreached

Join us on Pentecost Sunday to draw attention to the 2 billion people as yet unreached by the Gospel!

Please Pray as We Count Down to the International Day for the Unreached
May 31, 2020!


Event has started.

Sign up here to become an Advocate and join the Prayer Network for unreached peoples!

Note: In April you will begin to receive emails every few days from  Be sure to whitelist those emails so they do not wind up in your spam filter!  
Please note that your mobile numbr is NOT required -- but by providing your mobile number we can provide alerts and reminders about the Day for the Unreached.  


1. Join with Ministries, Media, Churches and Individuals Across the US and Canada!

You will learn, pray and focus on unreached people groups that desperately need the Gospel!

2. Radically Change Your Church!

Build awareness, activism and commitment to reaching unreached peoples!

3. Motivate Your Friends or Church to Action!

You'll have access to powerful resources to help focus your church, your friends and your family on reaching the unreached!

International Day for the Unreached Details:

Date: May 31st

Time: 5:00 pm PST / 7:00 pm CST / 8:00 pm EST / 12:00 am GMT

Location: Special FACEBOOK LIVE Event!

International Day for the Unreached - 2019