Deborah Wooding Moody

This is to Certify that Deborah Wooding Moody has completed the course requirements for Magna Wave Training and Certification.

Magna Wave PEMF (Pulsed Electro-Magnetic Field) Therapy is widely used in conditioning of people, athletes, small animals, and race, performance and pleasure horses around the world. The therapy serves to help regenerate damaged or diseased tissue, repair tendons and fractured bones.

It enhances the synthesis of protein in the cells, which allows the body to take full advantage of all the protein available. Circulation is improved, not by increasing heartbeat or blood pressure, but by opening and dilating the arteries and capillaries. During treatment the Lymphatic system is stimulated to clean damaged areas and detoxify the body.

Magna Wave PEMF therapy also increases blood oxygen at the cellular level. The improved blood flow, increased blood oxygen and lymphatic cleansing reduce pain and inflammation, buildup of lactic acid and improve the overall healing capabilities.

Magna Wave PEMF, because of its deep penetration is particularly effective in relieving deep muscle soreness. The therapy is noninvasive, and no medication is required as a pretreatment for therapy. 

Number One Cause of Illness,
 Cell Malfunction and Toxicity.
Good human and animal care includes vitamins, exercise and good nutrition. These habits provide for a healthy immune system and help avoid getting sick. Even though we live in an industrial affluent country, our pets and equine athletes, just as we do, suffer from energy loss due to  stress and environmental pollution. Together with insufficient exercise or stress from performance and diet complications, depletes energetic balance. Cells no longer function correctly. This situation leads to poor circulation, declining performance, premature aging, and degenerative diseases. To reclaim the body’s natural state of health, cell function needs to be restored. Routine use of Magna Wave pulsed magnetic energy allows the power of the body to repair cells and recover from illnesses.
Why are pulsating magnetic fields best for health maintenance?
A pulsating magnetic field produces one main result: stimulating cell metabolism. This causes a chain of processes in the body and leads to improvement of health without side effects. A cell produces its own energy, called ATP (Adenosine Triphosphate). This energy is necessary for movement of the body, building up and breaking down molecules, and transporting substances across cell membranes. To produce energy a cell needs oxygen and about 90 other substances including enzymes, glucose, and nutrients. In addition to energy, cells also produce carbon dioxide, water, and waste products. To be able to execute and control all these processes properly, good cell metabolism is required. Therefore, the cell needs a membrane potential of 70 Ð 90 mV (millivolt). Whenever this electrical potential drops, active metabolism is impaired. Low performance levels and chronic disease are the results. Ultimately, every illness is the consequence of impaired cell metabolism.
•    The measured magnetic energy produced by the Magna Wave device is, 19,200 Gauss, 1.92 Tesla.
What effect does Magna Wave pulsed magnetic energy have on the disease process?
A pulsating magnetic field has a positive influence on any disease process. By displacing ions, pulsating magnetic fields can lead to normalization of the membrane potential.
Some of the effects of Magna Wave Therapy are:
1. Blood circulation is affected and normalized. Loaded particles in the bloodstream will oscillate in the rhythm of the QRS frequency. This can reduce friction and flow resistance in narrow capillaries. Perfusion (blood circulation) improves and at the same time the diffusion rate for oxygen and carbon dioxide increases.
2.  Oxygen partial pressure increases. All studies demonstrated a dramatic increase in the oxygen content of the blood, up to 100 to 200%.
3. Cell membrane potential is normalized. General exhaustion of the body, caused by stress or chronic disease, will reduce the cell’s membrane potential (usually between 70 to 90 mV). If this potential approaches the zero level, the cell dies. A cell uses 50% of its energy to maintain this potential. Magna Wave, with its patented ion transport system enables the selective movement of protons (H+ ions), which will then be retargeted at the cell membrane. In this way the membrane will be hyperpolarized and the membrane potential normalizes.

4. Calcium influx enters the cell. Through increased concentration of H+ ions in the membrane area pH value is reduced near the membrane. This leads to the release of calcium from the protein layer of the cell membrane. Unbound calcium flows into the cell core and triggers numerous metabolic reactions. Macrophages (tissue cells functioning as protection against infections) are activated and therefore the immune system is strengthened. Metabolism is activated and nitric oxide, a potent vessel enlarger, is produced. In addition, cytogenesis (structure, function, and multiplication of the cells) is stimulated.

How Pulsed Magnetic Works Magic:
1. Atomic excitement, stimulating the spin of the electron to store energy that could last for up to three days.
2. Molecules tend to align slightly with each magnetic pulse, making them easier to combine, especially when excited.
3. The pH goes a hundred times more alkaline, which allows better oxygen uptake, and suppresses some harmful entities.
4. The viscosity shifts on the order of 16 fold allowing liquids to flow into cell gates or lymph to thin and flow.
5. Red blood cells separate (taking a positive charge and repel each other) in minutes which allows more surface area to transport oxygen.
6. There is an apparent relaxing of the vascular system within minutes of completing a Magna Wave session, which drops blood pressure by twenty to thirty percent.
7. There is a systemic response to the sessions as though the body’s functions have been fine- tuned or turbo charged. Because of this many problems get better, often not the targeted problem, but things not expected also improve. Wounds heal in one third normal time.
8. Bone mending, improved quality of calcium is produced in one-third of the normal time.  The skin of the bone seems to develop cells more like the DNA dictates.
9. Electroporation is the phenomena wherein the cells gates open to allow more passage of solvent (H20) to dissolve toxins, or allow better delivery of a medicine or herb.
10. The hardest one to accept is the cell can change some of the sodium back to potassium, which is documented in a US Army study, and this reduces pain, often fading pain away in minutes.
11. The electromagnetic pulse is causing the horse to generate tiny little micro currents, and the energy tends to run through the neural pathways. This seems to swamp the C fibers from   accessing the neural gates which allow the pain signal to stream to the brain. Less-signal, less pain perception.
12. As the speed of the pulse is so fast (less than a millionth of a second) because of this we can use tremendous amounts of energy without there being time to heat the atom. We can pulse energy into an area for as long as an hour without adverse reactions in most cases, so serious problems can take the extra energy needed to do extra work.


NASA4-year collaborative study on the efficacy of electromagnetic fields to stimulate growth and repair in mammalian tissues NASA/TP-2003-212054*
For brevity we summarized the 33 page technical paper which we feel represents the essence of that communication. For those who wish to review the molecular and genetic portion of the report refer to the following web site:
Robert Dennis Ph.D. – University of Michigan
Thomas J Goodwin Ph.D. – Lynden B Johnson Space Center
This four year study used human donors “to define the most effective electromagnetic fields for enhancing growth and repair in mammalian tissues.” To utilize “nerve tissue which has been refractory to efforts to stimulate growth or enhance its repair regardless of the energy used.” (all other tissues have demonstrated growth and repair stimulation with appropriate PEMF)
To define a PEMF technology that would “duplicate mature, three dimensional morphology between neuronal cells and feeder (glial) cells, which has not been previously accomplished.”
The PEMF used in the study “caused accelerated growth rate and better organized morphology over controls”, and resulted in “greater cell viability” (85% vs. 65%). In the gene discovery array (chip technology that surveyed 10,000 human genes),the investigators found up-regulation of 150 genes associated with growth and cell restoration.
T. Goodwin (personal communication) ” PEMF shut down each dis-regulatory gene we studied”.

“The up-regulation of these genes is in no manner marginal (1.7-8.4 logs)with gene sites for collagen production and growth the most actively stimulated.”

“We have clearly demonstrated the bioelectric/biochemical potentiation of nerve stimulation and restoration in humans as a documented reality”.

“The most effective electromagnetic field for repair of trauma was square wave with a rapid rate of change (dB/dt) which saw cell growth increased up to4.0 times.”

They further noted that “slowly varying (millisecond pulse, sine wave) or non varying DC (CW lasers, magnets) had little to no effect.”

Final Recommendation: “One may use square wave EM fields with rapid rate of change for”:
• repairing traumatized tissues
• moderating some neurodegenerative diseases
• developing tissues for transplantation
*the firststudy to clarify technologies and efficacy parameters for tissue growth andrestoration.